Thursday, July 9, 2009

My New Life (:

Well ever since my mom got married lots has changed for me. Im now going to the Allens and loving it here! The people are just soo sweet. And next Sunday i get to start being a Sunday School teacher for the toddlers (: ahhhh! Im so excited. Im also living in my new house now and i love it. My room was profesionally designed about 3 weeks ago and its GORGEOUS! I spend so much time in it hahaha. I also got a puppy! Shes a pitbull and her name is Munenca which means Dolly in english. Shes the cutes dog ever and i love her! Shes almost gonna be 5 months and shes pretty big. Well also im starting high school this year, bleh. I love the summer too much; sleeping in, eating, and texting all day long XD Ive also been really good because im getting the iPhone woot woot! Im still thinking about weather getting a white or pink one...haha! Im missing everyone from FT alot and am hoping to visit real soon to see my friends =D oh and fr the 4th of July our whole church went up to Mt. Lemmon! And it was Uh-Maa-Ziing! We had a big bon fire and church. I miss my friends from LPA ):